21 January 2010

Companyia Electrica Dharma

Companyia Electrica Dharma is a long lived Catalan jazz ethnic rock combo. They have been around for more than 30 years with their first album dating as far as 1975. I've become acquainted with their work through two very different albums from 2000's. First one: Sonada! from 2000 and Llibre Vermell from 2002. Saw them play live 2003 promoting the latter. While Sonada is more upbeat and more Mediterranean and an overall cheerful album, Llibre Vermell is a medieval Mediterranean goth-like album. It's dark and it's all about creating a certain atmosphere, executed first rate . It only goes to prove that these are seasoned musicians each one a master of his own instrument. I was quite excited upon first hearing this record because I have never heard anything like it. The emphasis on their Catalan background is predominant but they also create a feel similar to some neo folk artists such as Death in June or later day Current 93 + The Ape of Naples era Coil.
The bottom line is, I really like this album.

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