11 November 2009

Santa's Little Helper

Shock Therapy was born from the distorted life of Itchy.

born May 30th 1964 - died Nov. 5th 2008
Unusual circumstances shape unusual artists! so also in the
case of the 80's Elektropunk icon Gregory John Mc Cormick,
better known under the artist
name "Itchy" (set on Iggy Pop!).

In the tender age of 8 years, his dad put him into a
locked mental clinic, because Itchy was out of norm!
and he only sat there
and watched the
people so strangly observe-calmly.
For Itchy, one of the personal Highlights in his career,
is his late friendship with Charles Bukowski. For his song genius
of the crowd
Itchy took thesame named lyrics of Bukowski,
and his publisher in
america demanded 5000 $
for the unallowed use of other artists thoughts.
After a telephone call between Bukowski and Itchy,
Bukowski visited Itchy and
gave him hispermission to use the
text free of charge.

then, some poetry by Itchy himself:

santa claus is sick
last night he drank too much
its his goddamned nagging wife
mrs. claus is a muther-humpin bitch

santa claus is sick
last night he scr*** a dirty old who**
too f****d up to wear a rubber
now theres a pus***g shanker on his d***

so this christmas itchy is coming
hes gonna s**t on your living room floor
instead of leaving a cheap plastic toy

When I played this song to my wife she said that it
sounded too scary for her taste.
Itchy is no fake, he's the real sh**. You either are
what you claim to be or you are not nor will you ever be.
I myself really like the amount of rage incorporated
into a some sort of mid eastern chant
which closes the first song of the set "The Golden Calf".
This is where I think he that he really means it.
It is a voice of a genuine rage.
He was for real.
Sleep tight, Itchy.

Gimme that cristmass present right now

Fusnota: Nedavno sam čitao knjigu Allice Miller - Drama Djetinjstva koja mi je
otvorila oči na nšto što dugo godina nisam mogao uprijeti prstom: u djetinjstvu
nam se događaju stvari (najčešće ružne) koje nam "serviraju roditelji" a mi
provodimo cijeli život brfaneći ih, trudimo se živjeti život kakav bi oni htjeli
da mi živimo, ili živimo točno onako kako oni ne bi htjeli, kako bilo, sve se vrti
oko njih ali mi to nismo svjesni.
Itchy je bio ljut na svoje roditelje a mrzio je svijet. Njegov bijes je palucao
po svemu oko njega ali nije bio usmjeren ka onima koji su ga stvorili takvog kakav
je bio. Njegov bijes nije bio fokusiran i pročišćavajući nego više sila prirode,
bez kontrole.
Sinead O' Connor je, čini mi se, imala taj moment katarze u
"Fire on Babylon", nakon toga je uslijedilo čuveno kidanje slike Pape, a sada 10-ak
godina nakon toga doznajemo otkuda taj bijes. Ona je vjerovatno bila i sama svjedokom
molestiranja djece pod okriljem crkve i krenula u svoj "boj". No najprije je
kanalizirala svoj bijes i obračunala se s majkom. Nakon toga je krenula dalje.
Sad kad je vidim ovako bucmastu i smirenu, mislim da i nije baš tako luda kako su
je prikazivali u medijima. Borila se za sebe.
Santa Claus kod Itchy-a možda predstavlja oca ali nisam psiholog,
možda su Santa Claus i njegova žena iz pjesme svi naši očevi i majke...

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